Ep.29 | Nervous System Regulation & Holistic Wellness; The Journey of Healing Yourself Naturally with Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Monique Hessler


Nervous System Regulation | Holistic Healing | Forgiveness | Toxicity | Exploring Triggers | Body, Mind, and Spirit Health & Wellness

In this episode, Monique dives into and explains holistic healing and health in a way that’s not only refreshing but wildly empowering.

Tune in to get the full breakdown of what nervous system regulation is, why it’s so important to integrate during your health journey, and how to get started.

Learning the language of your body can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re in the middle of dealing with health issues, but this episode is sure to give you some insight, inspiration, and practical tips to help support you as you navigate it.

Cheers, friends! We hope you enjoy :)



  • HEALER: walks you step by step through encouraging a healing foundation, learning about common root causes, understanding your unique body's language, learning how to understand what your body is asking for and how to support it. A healing toolbox that supports your unique body, a powerful course that helps you lean into the healer that you already are.

  • RISE AND RELEASE: walks you step by step through the nervous system and subconscious wound healing.  Identify and release false truths, understand where they came from, identify and meet your needs, heal past trauma and encourage nervous system regulation ongoing.  Move from fear and disconnect to safety and empowerment.

Overview of the Episode:

  • Monique's chronic 12-year health journey moving from multiple diagnoses to being diagnosis-free

  • Learning the language of your body

  • Finding the root cause of an illness

  • How emotional, mental, and nervous system health creates physical symptoms

  • How to start reducing your toxic load, one small change at a time

  • How Monique started teaching her kids to follow their intuition and listen to their body

  • What the source of Monique’s chronic anxiety actually was

  • Exploring nervous system regulation and why triggers happen

  • How to start replacing false truths with empowering statements

  • Why affirmations need a precursor and why they might not feel great for you

  • and so much more!

Resources Mentioned:

About Monique Hessler:

Monique Hessler personally experienced chronic illness for over 12 years and healed naturally, freeing herself from the diseases and lengthy list of full-body debilitating symptoms that she once suffered daily. Monique is now a wellness coach and Certified Integrative Health Practitioner specializing in overcoming chronic illnesses, trauma healing, and nervous system regulation. She uses her personal experience plus education in holistic wellness, nutrition, nervous system regulation, psychology, and energy medicine to teach others how to identify and heal their root cause of dysregulation. Guiding them in healing naturally, trusting their body again, stepping into their power, and finally getting back to truly living their life.

Website: https://moniquehesslerwellness.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moniquehesslerwellness/

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Connect with The hosts Shay + Mariah:

Mariah Magazine

Mariah is an award-winning Organic SEO Consultant & Online Business Educator for entrepreneurs, and host of a top 10% podcast; Curiously Guided. She supports business owners & founders in diversifying their online digital marketing strategies so they can grow their brands in a way that *actually* feels GOOD for them, and aligns with their strengths. Mariah’s a firm believer that showing up on Google and organically marketing your business doesn’t have to be as difficult & overwhelming as everyone makes it. With 8+ years of experience as an entrepreneur in the online marketing space, she’s helped over 150+ clients get their websites found on Google by implementing a strategy that feels both doable AND aligned.


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